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About us

Passport to Earning (P2E) India is an e-learning solution which aims to empower youth with relevant skills and abilities to thrive in the 21st century and connect them to opportunities in apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, employment and social impact.

It is initiated through the global partnership of UNICEF, Generation Unlimited, Accenture and Microsoft and Hosted through Microsoft Community Training (MCT) Platform. The initiative is piloted in India and aims to build the capacity and capabilities of government/ institutions to deliver sustainable skilling for 5 million Indian youth (15-29 years) through the e-learning platform for the next three years. The LMS is complemented with blended learning approaches and incentivization plans to encourage learners to complete the courses.

Our Vision

By 2024, the initiative aims to provide 5 million young people (15 to 29 years) with a sustainable solution to skilling and pathways to economic (jobs and entrepreneurship) and social impact (volunteering and youth innovations) opportunities.

Need for 21st century skills

2021 India Skills Report (ISR) says only 45.9 per cent of Indian graduates are found employable, and the 2019 UNICEF Report says more than half of South Asian youth are not on track to have the education and skills necessary for employment in 2030.

According to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, leadership, resilience, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy top the list of skills for 2025.

As society and the workplace transform, the skills required of its young people must also evolve, so that they can navigate the complex realities and contribute to sustainable development. Young people are the drivers of sustainable development (NITI Aayog, 2019), and are propounded to play a vital role in determining the future growth of the nation. This accentuates the need to invest in building the necessary 21st-century skills and competencies amongst young people.

Research has demonstrated far-reaching benefits of learning these skills on young people’s well-being, employability and health outcomes: problem-solving, assertiveness and communication skills have been linked to high psychological well-being. Such skills are valued highly by employers as well.

Central and State Governments recognize the merit of this solution for future employability. The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes the need for 21st Century Skills to ensure the holistic development of students.